Wednesday, March 30, 2022


I spent so much of my time thinking.... taking in all the actions of others. I tried to no I didn't try to stay positive. Because for the first time. I'm seeing this in a way that causes me more pain..
I fell in love with her. The ideas of our future. I spent the last year pouring my heart an soul into this person. Feeling like I was being heard. That she had felt the same way. We were working on this awesome path
There were moments.. I literally can almost name them. When my presence in her life was the light of her world. Where just by merely holding my hand or laying on my chest was enough to rock her world. 
I never thought it would not go thst way. I never thought it would end. I thought this was forever.
But this month has been more of a reality check of the pain I'm enduring. I'm slipping further into wanting to commit suicide wanting to end my life because I feel like it's never gonna happen.
When I asked her out. She had said she wanted to be my everything. An to this day... I have nothing unless it's with her. She has embedded herself into everything I see. Feel. Smell. Touch. I'm completely involved with her. 
An seeing it now. I don't think it's mutual. I don't know what my expectations would have been or even what her expectations of me would have been. 
I dont know how the silence. The bailing on seeing me. The constant excuses for wanting it to be settled or better. 
If we took the last year. I'd say it's not ever going to be perfect. An that what I understood because I knew what I was getting into. I knew it would be difficult. 
You know there was 2 people I'd say in my whole life that I loved more deeply than this. One of them is my best friend an the other is someone I'll likely never see again.
But the trust. Devotion I had in them. Was beyond any measure of trust. Commitment. Anything an no one in my current life has this kind of love an devotion from me. An there's a reason for that.
However my current partner had said she wanted to be that for me. She had said she wanted to be what they were to me. An there were moments moments where I'd see it.
I loved that part of her. Just as much as I'd loved her letting me be there for her. Letting me hold her. Support her more closely than I have now. 
In my mind there's a reason this has happened an in her mind she thinks it's totally fine to treat me this way without even giving me a 2nd thought. 
I spent today. For the first time not responding. I stayed busy. I kept up with my day but I found myself struggling all day.....all day of what do I say. What will be enough an I asked for advice an no one could give any advice an I got nothing. An so I said nothing 
Cause I'm not in her world. I'm not in her home. For a long time she had said... our family. Our future is what she wants. But hasn't made effort to bring it to life. She has no problem causing me pain. No problem keeping me out of it all. An when I try say anything I get nothing. An so I'm in the dark.
The silence kills me. The pain of what or who or whatever she is talking to or counting on is not me. An I'm hurting an she doesn't care.
I got advice yesterday that made me see things in a different way but in such it makes me wish i was dead. Why did I do this. Why did I think I wanted this. An why is it so hard to let go. The idea of letting go makes me want to harm myself just to avoid the idea of what letting go will look like. 
Idk how to get thro this. An I dont know how she can have all this faith in forever when she doesn't even give me a day. An hour. A minute of her life. How can we be forever if the basic necessity of a relationship of any kind are not present because I'm hurting. I'm hurting here an my heart is being crushed. An I dont know how to survive the heartache. I literally have a plan for the first time an that is not good because if thus goes any other way I dont think I'll be able to come back from this. 

Friday, March 18, 2022


I'm struggling... I'm always struggling... I dont know how to explain myself or why I have so much faith in this relationship. She knows she's hurting me. She knows what she is doing is causing me pain but it doesn't stop her.
I know she won't show up for me. I was thinking about this.. how great it would be that she'd show up for me. But it's no longer within her capabilities... In the beginning... she was able to jump. Fly over. Or whatever. An now.. I hardly know anything. I know less than anything. An the more I realize this the more painful it is to be with her.
I dont know what to think anymore. I don't know what to do. I don't know...why I am allowing this to be part of my life. 
I dont know how to let go. I don't know how to walk away. Because I love her. I want to be with her forever. 
I dont know what it is that makes me feel certain. We hardly see one another. We hardly talk. When we started this... I felt it. I felt it beyond a feeling of connection. 
An I loved how safe she felt with me. Or how secure I made her feel by my presence. I loved holding her in my arms. I loved everything. An we carried on for 3 months before it began falling apart. An we tried for the year to figure it out. But no matter how much I try. There's always so much going on in her life. So much she has to do or figure out which means closing the door on me, but instead of doing that. She's trying to hold onto me. 
I dont know why... 
Why is it worthy... why is it that I am worth this. When I yelled or argued with her that week or so ago. I thought she'd wanna change I thought she'd wanna make us work. I liked hearing that me saying what I did. Was kick to the gut for her to see what she was doing to me was selfish and served no one but her. I want to stay with her. I want to fight for us I believe in us. But I want better. I want greater I want so much.
It's funny she had said. That she had to communicate. That it wasn't a problem with me but with her. For the first time I met someone who's worse at communicating then I am. An worst off I feel like.... what lingers in my mind. Is that she had said she didn't feel like she could be herself around me and to me. That seems like a concern.. if you can't be yourself complete all an all with the person you're devoting your life too. Then what in the world is the point. What is exciting about staying with me. In the present I'm not talking about the future I'm talking right here an now..
Why... why. 
And why am I always in my head. Why am I undiagnosed. 
Out last encounter.. I wasn't willing to be my absolute self.. I had hid some parts of myself from her. An she didn't notice. If she had she'd have seen that I was getting worse in my cutting. That it's escalating. I'm losing my mind. Seeking out situations thst will cause me to turn to the one thing I love an has yet to fall me

Saturday, March 12, 2022


I see now that I am reacting to this relationship. Originally she had said she'd spend time with me an be here with me. And now she not only didn't she also just ignored the reality of what she said she'd do. An I'm hurt beyond measure. Because I'm realizing that I'm being dragged along 
When I fought with her. I thought I had finally gotten thro to her. I thought she wanted to work at our relationship an for a day or two she seemed to make effort but looking at it she's not making effort where it counts and I'm hurt more than ever. 
I dont know what I feel anymore. I don't know how to feel love when alls I feel is pain. I don't know how to feel love when alls I feel is disappointed. I don't know what to do. I'm consistently thinking of this being the end. 
Not the end of our relationship but the end of my life. My worthiness measured by how little I matter or my feelings matter to anyone specifically those that allegedly love me. 
I dont want to keep this up but I'm scared of what will happen if I let go. I'm scared of what will happen to my mindset. There so many fears attached but the idea of breaking free from the thing thst is causing me so much pain. I can't even remember the last time I felt and lived in that love that it mattered enough to me. 
I don't get to fight my way thro this because she is not willing to fight me she is willing to bail on me. Be selfish. An not consider my feelings in this situation. Not at any point did she hear my disappointment. She just doesn't hear me. Doesn't know me. Doesn't care. 
When I thought about her fighting for me. I thought wow how amazing it is to be loved as much. She loves me to fight for me. To want to make a change for me. An then this happened. It's like she knows how to cause me pain. An just does it to make me feel pain.  
Idk... I hate myself for caring. I hate myself for staying. I'm so used to this type of pain from people I wouldn't know what the right part of it all would Be. I haven't been in a healthy relationship in years or ever. I have no idea what that even looks like. 
She said this was our first healthy relationship if that were true why do I feel shitty an in pain all the time. Why do I only feel the way I feel. If I was in a healthy relationship I wouldn't be so disappointed an hurt an wouldn't react as badly as I do when she doesn't consider my feelings or needs. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2022


It's never a good thing to feel as though the weight of the world is on my shoulders. To also feel as though I have to bare it all on my own 
I'm hurting. I'm hurting beyond all measure of pain that I can endure. I am such an idiot. I'm looking back on a life I had. A life we had. A future we were supposed to have. 
I'm in love with this girl. I want the future to be real. I want to know we are working together to make it happen but I got nothing. A year ago things were better. Things were beautiful. I mattered. She texted called made an effort. An now shes silent. Distant an unknown to my life. 
My soul is hurting at the thought of what it means. Because on one hand. She says nothing doesn't show up. Doesn't see me. An then on the other she messages me the sweetest messages. Stuff about the future. 
I dont know what to do. I don't know what to feel. 
I talked to someone about my thoughts. How the world may be better without me. 
What is the point of moving forward. What is the point in trying to live. I'm fighting to survive everyday. 
An now I'm struggling to know if the person I love. Does she love me back. An if her answer is no. Will I be able to handle that. I don't know. I don't know. I'm hurting an I'm feeling like my heart is breaking. An I just want it to stop. I don't want to keep this up. I don't like the direction we have gone down. 
You know my messages they said things like. She'd say being with me was enough to feel love appreciated. An just knowing I'm here was enough. 
But now.......
Now.... I got nothing. I spend days with no talking. No texts. No phone calls. 
But than when there is a text. It's shit like don't let the stuff I'm thinking spiral into the chaos I'm currently enduring 
An the other part of that is she knows I'm feeling what I'm feeling. I feel lost. An I am worried. 
I hate that we spent so much time talking about the future. About family. Kids. Marriage. An if it falls apart. My soul will be crushed. An I'm not sure I can handle it. As I am not sure what to feel. I'm not sure how to respond. But I realize maybe she is doing this to make it easier for me to let go. 
Maybe I don't matter as much as I thought 
But then when I say that. It sounds selfish. What if she's in hell. She is enduring some traumatic shit. An she is coping in ways that I do not approve. Because it's a deal breaker allegedly for me. 
So then she's keeping me at arms length knowing full well it hurts. But I had said that I love her an I'll forever be here for her an I'll stand by her. 
Therefore.... even though I feel what I feel. I endured what I endure. I'm hurt. I'm hurting. But I'm still here an its hurting my resort to dealing isn't good. An idk. I've opened a door. To a life I am not supposed to be looking at. An I'm in a dark space. Where there is no light. 
I'm scared. I'm scared of what is going to happen. I'm scared of what or how ill react to shit. 
Or maybe I'm overthinking everything 
But I also cut off my supports. An 
May be making choices that will help letting go of the world easier for me. Because I'm cutting ties with people who matter to me 
I dont know. 

Friday, March 4, 2022

I dont like you

I feel so much pain... so much pain from so much in my life that I can't control. 
I'm hurting. I'm struggling to find purpose in my life. Does what I do really matter. Does me being alive benefit anyone. 
I dont want to keep surviving. I dont want to make all these plans of things that will never come to light. I am hurting. I'm hurting so much an no one anywhere can see that. 
On the surface. I'm fine. I'm ok. I'm whatever I need to be. But underneath I'm crying. I'm caged. I'm feeling myself be on the ledge. On a bridge. Ready to slit my wrists. There is no purpose for my life.
For so long I thought I was meant to live because of my kid.
I thought maybe this is me breaking the cycle. But I can't love him. I do love him but I don't have enough love to raise him to be good. To break chains 
I thought surviving those many years ago meant I'd have a purpose. But I don't know what it is. An I dont know if it's worth trying to keep fighting.
I was telling someone today. The best suicide is the one no one knew about. 
You know you have people who hint to people. Have people who chicken out or whatever. But the best suicide is the one we don't tell people about we don't give opportunities for them to stop us. The other side of that is not letting that person be the one that feels guilt for the rest of their life because they could or should have done something 
More an more... my mind is clouding with pain an torment.
I love this girl more than anything an yet she doesn't love me enough to show up to call or to be there for me. Being in a relationship isn't just sexual. An its definitely not just texting. We did the bulshit love language an we both needed to be with one another to feel that love.
An when she is silent. An not talking to me. My mind races.... my mind races to thinking how much of a joke I look like..... she could be in bed with someone else sending me some bs ILY message. She could be partying. Selling her ass. Or who knows what. She could have completely forgotten about me because I mean less to her than dirt on her shoe.
I don't fuckin know because I never know how she is feeling. What she is doing. Who she is with. An if I matter to her in any way at all. 
I could be fuckin going insanely crazy. An she doesn't even know. 
No one knows anything. I know that I'm at my breaking point. An I'm considering the easy way out because I feel like there's no purpose. It's like being in quick sand. No matter how much I pay bills. Pay for my housing. Watch my kid. Etc. 
I can't get out of it. On top of this. I can't live a life worthy of anything..
We talk about traveling. We talk about going places. Living together but ITS ALL FUCKIN TALK!! WE clearly aren't doing any of these things an she just stringing me along. An waiting for me to say the words I won't say!
I hate myself. I'll kill myself before I even leave her. I love her. Even though she may or may not love me. I'm hurting beyond all measure but I value her. I cherish her. She is my world. An she knows it. She lavished in that love an barely gave it back at least how I feel. 
I'm fuckin losing my Damm mind an mayb3 the world is better off without me. What good have i done in my years.
Now how should one kill themselves in a way that is idk an I also thought... I'd call police just before so that I'd save my family an friends the despair of finding me you know.
Is it terrible these are thoughts I've had. I seriously can't find a reason to keep on living. 
An it hurts. It hurts so much an I dont want to feel pain any longer 

Thursday, March 3, 2022

I'll be alright

I dont wanna cry.. I have no reason to feel what I feel. But I've been thinking back to the year ago when I met my partner. It's funny I can remember where I met her. I was with a manager going to a hardware store an she had been walking a dog. An that was our first glimpse.
Then when things happened an she got asked to work with me. It seemed to be ok. We got a long an had some fun just talking. But the thing for me was that I was trying to get involved with someone else. I had spent months trying to get with this person. An my partner said it would be a mistake if I did. An definitely she was right lol. I never pursued it further. An when we got together or started our friendship.. she as far as I knew was going thro a break up. An was going thro so much. An I didn't know the whole story.  
But just the presence or company of her. Was good enough to enjoy going to work. 
An one day... which we call "Nacho Day" my friend an I invited my partner to lunch with us. It was random wasn't meant to be much of anything and to be honest I just wanted to get to know her. 
What I hadn't realized. Was My partner seemed to know even before nacho day that she wanted to get with me. And I was completely oblivious to the thought or words being spoken or whatever. At no time did I think this was my future or My girl. When I found out her age. I was like nope. That has to be a no for me. An my friend and I told her. We'd be here for her as she went thro her struggle. An i thought we'd just be friends. An if she was going to get with anyone why not be my friend who is a little younger than me. So for the next few months I tried to get them to hook up. An even through this. My partner was getting to know me. An connect with me. An trust me. 
An I didn't see the signs. I didn't clue into our love or affection until my friend told me. 
Only when my friend that I was trying to set up. Straight out said my partner was trying to get with me and/or was only interested in me. 
I had no idea. Until that conversation. 
An then things changed..
It wasn't that it hadn't crossed my mind but that I didn't think I was good enough? I didn't think I was her type? Idk. 
But when my friend said that. Things changed. I started to see. I started to see my partner in a different light. An she started asking for help An trusting me in different ways. 
An then it turned into. Hanging with her at her home because she didn't want to be alone. An to have her tell me that my presence alone was enough for her. 
It lit up my world. That just being in the same room same couch was enough to make her feel better. It felt good. 
An altho we slowly starred our relationship. We didn't actually make it official anytime quickly. We still just hung out an did different things. An the feeling were amazing. An I found myself filled with joy An happiness. An my friend was like are you guys An item. An I was like no. We had done much to make that official.  
So then 122121 I finally jumped in an asked. I asked her to be mine for the foreseeable future. 
What I didn't realize. Is that u absolutely love her. In a depth of love that has no comparison. 
There are pieces of a love I knew before. 
I dont want to get into details. But what' she doesn't know is that the spontaneously hanging out or walking the streets or sitting under the stars. Those moments make me think of a love I had before. Except the difference is this love feels real. I love her an she loves me. 
I think that as much as I'm trying to be in this love. I'm also terrified... 
My past is insane... I've never been in a healthy relationship. An here I am. Allegedly in a relationship  
It's not always easy.. it is difficult when she shuts me out but I overthink too much 
I cant ask any more of her because the thing is that she is coming from so much turmoil. 
People say we shouldn't even be together because of h3r stuff but I can't walk away I can't give up on her over this bs... I know what it feels like to be lost an not have anyone to turn too or rely on.
How it feels that everyone else had walked away but I had stayed. I had stormed thro the chaos. 
I dont know what the right decision would be.
But yesterday or day before she had said she'd make me her Power of attorney. But the reality is I'm not actually fully aware what her choices or decisions are 
I've been open and honest about what I feel how I feel an the emotions of all that. But for her. I do have an idea what might be. 
But how would her family feel. 

The other thing.. . I'm losing my train of thought... I'm just in a weird head space.