Thursday, April 30, 2009

living for the moment

What did I write last?

well still applying for school for the just of it! it's going pretty good I guess..its crazy to know I've been outta school for nearly two years. and even then I spent half the last year working and then quitting my job....

as this year approached there were a lot of things I have been's crazy that it's now the end of the month.. I can't quite grasp where my life has been going.. I feel pretty damn proud of myself for finding myself...instead of becoming all that people thought I'd become.. it's crazy you know? I mean when I think back to my life and my teenage years and just everything i can see how people would believe me to be a drug addict or something...

I like remembering my life back in Ontario the good parts of it anyhow..the amazing people I met and the relationships I had...the family i had back there... i miss it at times...but I feel like Im doing right by being home... although there are some serious things that I feel like i need to do right by...such as getting out on my own... I've spent the last year and half living with my family and as awesome as it's hard...
Living in Ontario taught me to look out for myself, take care of myself...however being back in vancouver Im not just looking out for myself...Im looking after my family..the role I had when I left is still makes me sad though...because really it feels like I hardly learned anything..

however there's that one thing that nothing can ever take away... that's my spirit my will to survive, my dreams..these things can never change..even though in all turmoil and heartache...the one thing I look forward to is future events.. it's crazy I dont know where it came from...regardless that God is not completly apart of my life he is still there...and I believe that he's the one giving me this hope for the future... i really hope I start getting back on a road that is better fit for me..
Im proud of myself because Im not drinking..Im not doing drugs...Im living as much as I can.. and even though all these things around me make me feel like Im drowning Im doing everything I can to stay alive...keep matter what the still here..and I dont know if that'll ever change..

but like all people..i have my low points in my life..I think Im there now... not having a job and not really doing anything..I have tried to do day jobs but never really qualified or able to make it on time... im borrowing money from people to pay my bills...the good thing about me is that I'm always good for money...I mean Im always able to pay back at some point...

I guess the one good thing coming up is this job opportunity..if it comes through I hope it will.. I should be on my own within a month or two..which will be spectecular..

I dont know whats going on with me..I think Im just spending too much time thinking.. thinking of these times now... all the things I have not accomplished...and all the love in the world that's just outta the world crazy and yet not here with me.. I dont know if I should continue to wait for that love but I want too..trying to.... I just hope soon enough it'll pan out...
I just want to be somewhere in my life...

I mean the other night talking about my life... the struggles..the great parts of my life..the greatest moments in my makes me ashamed of the things I've done.. but Im always struggling... but I've been learning better ways of things...I feel like Im growing up. I mean instead of cutting or drinking..I cry now thats totally new to me.. I mean I dont cry around people but I allow myself to feel...and I feel like that's a big step for me...

I miss...i dont know... I just feel a little real reason for it..I think it's just where Im at rightnow.. I guess I need to continue writing that script it'll keep me distracted..and as much as I dont want too..Im going to have to go to that class to get the actors in touch with me more properly... regardless of how I feel about that class..I guess it's just this is part of what I've got to do..and I'd like to get it done before the lady gets back in town..

well i guess that's it...thats what Im going to do.. I dont know how's hard to finish up a script when I just feel the way I do you know? hopefully it'll come together..and that Margo would love it..and that it'll be perfect... i just need to stop this crap of myself and really focus on the tasks at hand... forget about the not doing anything and really focus on this great opportunity.. thats what Im going to'll help pass least hopefully till monday!!

good night

Monday, April 27, 2009

living for the future

I've had my struggles lately I've been afraid of never really making it. until lastnight.. as I sat there sharing some stories of times in my life where I was encouraged and inspired by others.. the life that I loved the feelings I loved having...the zeal for life returned to me...and instead of just going back to where I was....the pain and life I was living...Im determined to do everything I can to live..everything I can be all I want to be...
It's crazy to think of applying for College...there's very few of us who have ever made it long enough to be going to school...and for me its like I'd be living up to the name of what everyone knew I'd family members could not be more proud of me for all the choices I've made..
I was going into my life...trying to figure out why I decided to go into the field I am...and that zeal for life and that inspirational person came to my mind...and it truly touched my own life, sometimes when I speak my words will also touch my life too because it reminds me of what I'm doing....

After everything I've been through I've forgotten what I was doing...I forgot why I was living, what i was living was like the hope and dreams I had were slowly being brushed under the rug, and then we decided to do my application forms for school...the whole thing changed because I realized...this is truly the field I want to get into...the challenges for it will be extreme but I'm up for the challenge because I know that I can do awesome in life...I have a great gift of being able to encourage and inspire others and if that's the case...the field Im getting into will be the best outlet for it all..

Talking lastnight...really just reminded me why I've never given up...why it's not worth it to die.. because I have a gift of being able to speak into others lives, to relate to them, inspire them and therefore I know that I can truly do matter what obstacles come my way...there are enough people backing me up and standing beside me that I'll push through every difficult thing that comes my way...

I can't imagine what it would be like to be going back to's so crazy to think of going to school..I've stood by my word of being outta school for a year before I go back...however I have not stood by my word of paying off all my debts...I just hope that something will come outta this before september that I could pay off all these debts in my that I can start fresh...

other then applying for school though...

life has been difficult...being outta work for so loong.... and being as lost as I feel...not knowing where my life is going, or if IM going in the right direction....the main thing is being outta work that's making me lose my mind..doubt myself...doubt my dreams and future events... but after lastnight i know I can do anything I set my mind too...I've set my mind to going to school and becoming what I've dreamed I know I'll make'll be great...

one day... I will be a walking testimony of someone who truly has followed my dreams.. an became all I wanted! I know it! I feel it and I truly believe it!!
