Saturday, December 19, 2020

new love interest

So I may as well right this as I feel it so urgently now. The last few months or lets say this entire year has been rough.
Trying to capture the good moments when life was good. An from out of nowhere something happened. I hardly know what to say or how to explain the feeling or what is actually happened. 
Someone I considered a friend has turned into something else to me. Someone I see now that I wasn't really looking at before. And it's like a vampire tasting blood for the first time. I want, I yearn, I desire. 
Old songs become new songs of love that I never felt before. 
I hardly know how to keep myself together because I feel so dismantled in her presence. I feel so vulnerable an secure at the same time. Knowing for some odd reason if I ever fell apart she would be there to guard my heart. An I think what pushed me over the edge was she didn't just say she would stand by me. She also said she would be there for my kid. An that's a first time I've ever heard anyone say that about spending time with me. An for some odd reason it made me happy. 
I dont want to write too many details. I just know I'm in a good spot right now. I'm grateful that for whatever reason that we found one another and it seems we are what we seem to need for tho time being.
I just want her to be happy. I want her to experience life in a beautiful way. I wish there was more I could say but because of it being so new to me. I'm still gathering myself.
I'm grateful in these dark days I've found a beautiful ray of light in the darkness. It's refreshing an reminder of moving forward the good things in life are still yet to come 
I love you....if you ever read this know that I'm grateful you are here. An that you love me back. 

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