Friday, August 28, 2020

one year anniversary

So... today one year ago I became the legal guardian of my son. If anyone knows the story it was approx 2.5 yrs ago I became temporary guardian of my nephew. It was supposed to be a short stay, a way to give his mom a break from everything as she obviously had no idea what she got herself into. 
However in that three months it was like her whole world unrevealed an it became clear that she was not prepared to take care of her son. 
It carried on for longer. An as much as we tried to work with her it then turned into choices... choices that she made the hindered her ability to be supported by our family, and hindered her housing which meant everything for her fell apart. 
So then my life unfolded... this bs life I was living had just come together I just started to live.. without all my own addictions an choices an was able to move forward an then I basically got handed a kid... 
Was funny because I had said for so long I didn't want kids.. I spent majority of my childhood taking care of my brothers and sisters. It was like I was a kid but put in an adult lifestyle.
When I became an adult I decided I didn't want to do it. My upbringing was a bit rough an I just didn't want to commit to bringing a kid into the world. 
Regaerdless after all the bs I went through all the years I've gone through with different things I've likely written here. I basically lost confidence in ever being someone who can be normal.
It happened... it ended up that I actually became stable.. stable supportive job. Stable friends. Stable on all these different things. When I was asked to keep my nephew I didn't hesitate.
I tried to raise him not to call me mom.  I didn't want to embarrass his mom.  I didn't want to disrespect her by allowing her son to call me mom
However it was natural. So I couldn't confuse him.  So I took it on and it was so difficult to do to welcome us into the world. 
My friend gave me a baby shower most unconventional way. Because today one year ago I became the legal guardian of him.  
One year ago he became my official son, an I became his mother. 

I hope his mom can see that one day. I never want to disrespect her but I know that he doesn't deserve to suffer from her choices an decisions. An I hope she sees I'm just trying to protect him an raise him right. 

Thanks for listening 

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