Wednesday, July 10, 2024


So.. for what feels like the first time. I am being put in a category that I don't feel I belong too. My youngest brother asked for my help. But for me instead of jumping at the chance.  I had to contemplate an weigh my options because the ask was large. 
Instead of my brother considering that I had to consider my kid. My life. My loss of what he was asking. Which of course is money 💰.  I didn't respond because I hesitated. I felt angry.
He knew I wasn't going shopping. Wasn't buying anything. Wasn't doing much to take care of me. But of course everything moon an stars for my kid. 
So I felt upset to hear that he was asking for money. And instead he assumed I was ignoring him. An blasted my family including me on FB. An obviously doesn't make me want to help any faster. Because his selfish choices are asking me a single parent to do something I wasn't sure I could do.
Its been bothering me. Because of all people I'll always support my shady family. Even when they never do much to support me when I need a day. When I wanna see a movie. Go for dinner. Go out for one night away from my kid.
For me. I work all day an when I'm done work I'm full time mom which means I do nothing to benefit myself. Take care of myself. .
What difference what it have made if I helped him. It's like we're all if you do this for me I'll do that for u. Instead of hey I wanna spend time with my grandson or nephew. It's never like that. Never consideration for my well being

And the reason I'm writing now is because the person! The one person I strongly believe these people are hurting. Taking advantage of. Or losing out on is my kid. They are losing out on opportunity to be apart of his life. To repeatedly hear that it's his favorite uncle. 
Do you know how much it hurts him. To have him know. I cant bring him over to grandma's house because his favorite uncle doesn't want to acknowledge or talk to me. An therefore the person that hurts or feels that pain is a little kid.
Who basically once. Worshipped the ground his uncle walked on. 
.it makes me upset. It makes me angry. Fine tell me I'm a terrible person.  Never speak to me. Don't care! Don't wall off my kid. That's fuckin selfish